September 28, 2024

How reliable is MS-MS for de novo molecular structure determination?


The recent study by van Tetering et al. (2024)1 in Communications Chemistry has revealed a startling fact: the vast majority of structures predicted by in-silico databases used in MS-MS analysis are incorrect. This finding challenges the reliability of a widely-used method in molecular identification and highlights the need for more accurate techniques.

The Challenge:

Accurate molecular structure determination is crucial in various fields, from drug discovery to metabolomics. Traditional MS-MS methods, while powerful, struggle to differentiate between structures with identical masses, leading to potential misidentifications and missed opportunities in research and diagnostics.

Number of correct and incorrect MS/MS structure annotations. Summary of correct MSn structure annotations as verified by IR ion spectroscopy in this work: the large majority of annotations in major MS/MS libraries are likely incorrect. Additional Spectroscopically establish CID product ion structures collected from litterature confirm this trend (see Supplementary Figs S67-S89)

Isospec Analytics' Solution:

Our approach takes infrared spectroscopy to new heights by integrating it with mass spectrometry at cryogenic temperatures. This innovative technique results in:

  1. Sharper spectral features
  2. Exquisite sensitivity to slight differences in molecular structure
  3. Ability to distinguish subtly different isomers of glycans and metabolites

Results and Impact:

By measuring infrared spectra of molecules inside a mass spectrometer at cryogenic temperatures, Isospec Analytics achieves unparalleled accuracy in molecular structure determination. This breakthrough allows researchers to:

  • Confidently identify complex molecules
  • Distinguish between closely related isomers
  • Accelerate research in fields such as glycomics and metabolomics


As the limitations of traditional MS-MS become more apparent, Isospec Analytics' cryogenic IR spectroscopy emerges as a game-changing solution. By providing highly accurate molecular structure information, we're enabling researchers to push the boundaries of molecular science and opening new avenues for discovery in health, medicine, and beyond.

1 van Tetering, L.; Spies, S.; Wildeman, Q. D. K.; Houthuijs, K. J.; van Outersterp, R. E.; Martens, J.; Wevers, R.A.; Wishart, D. S.; Berden, G.; Oomens, J. A spectroscopic test suggests that fragment ion structureannotaHons in MS/MS libraries are frequently incorrect. Commun. Chem. 2024, 7 (1), DOI: 10.1038/s42004-024-01112-7.

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