September 28, 2024

Cryo-IR spectroscopy vs. LC or IMS for glycan identification

Glycans, also known as oligosaccharides, play a crucial role in numerous biological processes and are associated with nearly every human disease. As potential biomarkers for early disease detection, glycans are highly sought-after analytical targets. However, their complex isomeric nature presents a significant challenge in structural identification. At Isospec Analytics, we're at the forefront of addressing this challenge with our innovative Cryo-IR spectroscopy technology.

The Isomeric Challenge in Glycan Analysis

The primary difficulty in glycan analysis lies in distinguishing between the numerous possible isomers that can be assigned to a given mass. Traditional mass spectrometry alone cannot differentiate these isomers effectively, necessitating additional analytical dimensions.

Current Approaches and Their Limitations

Liquid Chromatography (LC) with Mass Spectrometry

  • Uses retention times relative to a dextran ladder
  • Combined with tandem MS for identification
  • Limitation: Identification based on a single number (retention time)

Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) with Mass Spectrometry

  • Utilizes arrival time distribution for structure identification
  • Limitation: Also relies on a single number (arrival time)

Both methods face a common problem: the information content from a single peak is insufficient for unambiguous identification. They require standards for all possible isomers to achieve 100% certainty in structural assignment.

The Isospec Analytics Solution: Cryo-IR Spectroscopy

Our approach leverages cryogenic infrared spectroscopy inside a mass spectrometer to provide unambiguous identification of isomeric glycans.

Advantages of Cryo-IR Spectroscopy:

  1. Information-Rich Spectra: Unlike LC or IMS peaks, Cryo-IR provides a detailed spectrum with multiple data points.
  2. Unique Molecular Fingerprint: Each glycan isomer produces a distinctive spectral pattern.
  3. Unambiguous Identification: Direct comparison with standard spectra allows for confident structural assignment.
  4. Intrinsic Molecular Properties: The spectra reflect inherent characteristics of the molecules, not just experimental conditions.

Combining Technologies for Comprehensive Analysis

At Isospec Analytics, we've gone a step further by combining LC and Cryo-IR spectroscopy. This innovative approach allows us to measure an infrared spectrum for each elution peak, providing an unprecedented level of detail and certainty in glycan identification.


Cryo-IR spectroscopy represents a significant leap forward in the field of glycan and metabolite identification. By providing information-rich spectral data, our technology overcomes the limitations of traditional methods, offering researchers and clinicians a powerful tool for early disease detection and biomarker discovery.

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